Technique vol.1 & 2 - Emanuele Rastelli - Official Home Page

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Ètudes for technique, indipendence, agility and precision
Technique vol.1
by Emanuele Rastelli

80 pages
ISBN 979-12-200-3405-0

€ 35,95
Technique vol.2
by Emanuele Rastelli

92 pages
ISBN 979-12-200-3406-7

€ 35,95
The realisation of musical ideas will always be limited by one's technical level, but the higher you're technical skillls are, the less your performances will be limited.

In order of importance, we start from a correct setting, even before the right method of study and music in the broadest sense. We therefore recommend reading the book "The perfect setting" by Emanuele Rastelli, and then start working on your technique.

When we talk about technique, we don't only mean the speed of execution or the precision on the right and left keyboard, but, first of all, the way of using the bellows, since this is the soul of the instrument.

The book "Technique" by Emanuele Rastelli provides innovative and specific études for technique, independence, agility and precision. All of this to take your personal performance ability to a decisively higher level.
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